Evolution of climate extremes in the Fresquel watershed (Aude)
Country – France Objective of assessing climatic extremes The aim of this assessment of climate extremes in the Fresquel watershed is to provide decision-makers with quantitative and strategic data to support informed adaptation choices in the face of future water resource challenges. Through a detailed analysis in several phases, this study aims to identify the […]
Vulnerability analysis of two real estate portfolios
Country – France and Australia Objective of the climate change vulnerability analysis for real estate assets in France and Australia In the context of climate change, it is essential to assess the impact of this phenomenon on real estate assets, in order to anticipate the financial risks and vulnerabilities involved. This vulnerability analysis has been […]
Vulnerability analysis of two airports to climate change
Country – France Objective and approach to vulnerability analysis of two airports The study is structured around two main stages, designed to provide a clear and comprehensive view of the impacts of climate change on airport infrastructure and operations. The first aims to produce climate indicators to assess the exposure of sites to climate change. […]