Water Resources

We provide high value water data suitable for impact studies of climate change on water resources and extremes, including floods and droughts, for water management planning and water uses.

A long-term water study on the evolution of the water resource (surface and groundwater) and the water uses in a river basin in any country requires making future projections of the key variables of the water balance (evapotranspiration, groundwater, runoff, snow cover) and streamflow. This involves using hydrological models forced by climate projections to get an accurate estimate of what to expect in the future, such as the impact of climate change on water resources. Such hydrological projections can support decision makers in developing sustainable water use policies for generations to come.

If the climate-hydrological modeling chain is a prerequisite step in impact studies of climate change on water resources, climate change is not the only factor affecting water resources. Human impact is an essential determinant of hydrological behaviors in most catchments. Thus, it is necessary to set up hydrological models that integrate land use, including anthropogenic activities.

cours deau foret hydroclimat
lac enneige hydroclimat
panorama montagne et ciel bleu hydroclimat

Also, in a view to support decision in water resources management or water sharing between users, a comprehensive insight on water and their future trends are essential.

Our in-house expertise in hydrology, remote sensing, and numerical modeling have led us to produce regionalized hydrological projections of water stock and availability at the scale of hydrological units within a hydrosystem.

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Hydrological risks are caused by extreme weather events. Floods and droughts are the two major water-related risks. But, before the risk comes the hazard. The two hydro-hazards that need to be considered are the high and low flows. Human influence can reduce or enhance hydro-hazards.

Fluvial, or riverine flooding, occurs when excessive precipitation over a long period of time causes a river to exceed its capacity. In the case of groundwater flooding, the risk is suffered. But human activities through land use changes and urbanization lead to increases in a range of consequential flood risks such as urban flood risk.

Drought is caused by persistent and unusual precipitation deficit (meteorological drought) affecting the hydrological balance with reduced streamflow in river (hydrological drought) and leading to a soil moisture deficit that limits water availability for natural vegetation and crops (agricultural drought).


The benefits offered by
our service

Projections at the catchment scale, sub-scale until the hydrological units
Choice of future horizons

Between 2025 and 2100

Choice of reference

1971-2015 or 1981-2010

Complete geographic coverage

France and International

Ensemble of hydrological models with different level of complexity
Several socio-economic scenarios


For who ?

The water data we provide are intended for local authorities as well as financers and insurance, infrastructures sector, farmers, or water management.

Our user cases

Discover our case studies: Water Resources Data

Prospective study of climate change impact on water resources in Isère
Department of Isère
Prospective study of climate change impacts on the water needs and resources of the Lot catchment by 2050
Risk assessment and design support for climate resilient water services in Borana (Ethiopia)
Global Center for Adaptation -- Resallience
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Prospective study on the future evolution of the climate and water resources in the Argens watershed
Société du Canal de Provence
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Forecasting and predicting flood risk of infrastructures in the South region of France
Characterization of climate change and water resources, impacts for the integrated management of resources and vulnerabilities of water uses.
Department of Corrèze - Resallience


Looking into the future of water resources with us