Prospective study of climate change impact on water resources in Isère

prospective study in isère

Country – France Discover the main objective of this prospective study To meet the current challenges of climate change and sustainable management of water resources in ISère, this prospective study aims to characterize climate change and its impact on water resources, with a view to integrated management of these uses. This analysis, structured in three […]

Forecasting flood risk and infrastructure flooding in the South of France in 2023

flood risk south region

Country – France Flood risk: Development of a hydrological and hydraulic simulation chain for flood management Climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, particularly floods. To meet these challenges, an innovative hydrological and hydraulic simulation chain has been developed. This tool aims to assess and anticipate flood risks in any […]

Characterization of climate change and water resources, impacts for the integrated management of resources and vulnerabilities of water uses.

characterization of climate change

Country – FranceDepartment of Corrèze Objective of the climate change vulnerability analysis for real estate assets in France and Australia Faced with the growing challenge of climate change in the Corrèze department, it is crucial to anticipate its impact on water resources and the uses that depend on them. This prospective study aims to characterize […]

Evolution of climate extremes in the Fresquel watershed (Aude)

climate extremes Fresquel Aude

Country – France Objective of assessing climatic extremes The aim of this assessment of climate extremes in the Fresquel watershed is to provide decision-makers with quantitative and strategic data to support informed adaptation choices in the face of future water resource challenges. Through a detailed analysis in several phases, this study aims to identify the […]