Prospective study of climate change impact on water resources in Isère
Country – France Objective Characterization of climate change and water resources, impacts for the integrated water resources management and vulnerability of water uses. Step #1 Historical and future trend analysis of climate and water resources at the sub-basin scale. Step #2 Hydroclimatic risk assessment by sub-basin Step #3 Constitution of a departmental database of climate […]
Prospective study of climate change impacts on the water needs and resources of the Lot catchment by 2050
Country – France Objective Build a management strategy for water resources and aquatic environments for climate change adaptation. Step #1 Production of regional hydroclimatic projections Step #2 Vulnerability analysis to climate change Step #3 Padding the Ademe’s TACCT tool
Risk assessment and design support for climate resilient water services in Borana (Ethiopia)
Country – Ethiopia Objective Calculation of climate, hydrological and flood indicators in the context of climate change in the Borana region Step #1 Implementation of an impact model chain in the target area Step #2 Flood risk analysis in the context of climate change Step #3 Future flood risk mapping and technical report
Prospective study on the future evolution of the climate and water resources in the Argens watershed
Country – France Objective Production of climate and hydrological indicators on the Argens catchment. Step #1 Calculation of indicators over the historical reference period Step #2 Calculation of indicators for the 2050 horizon for 2 socio-economic scenarios Step #3 Production of comparative maps with conservative spatial interpolation (100m resolution)
Forecasting and predicting flood risk of infrastructures in the South region of France
Country – France Objective Development of a hydrological-hydraulic model chain to quantify flood risk anywhere in the world, in past, present and future climates. Step #1 Implementation of an automatic hydrological modeling chain (M3E). Step #2 Evaluation of M3E in a forecast mode / long-term projection mode. Step #3 Development of a hydraulic modeling chain […]
Characterization of climate change and water resources, impacts for the integrated management of resources and vulnerabilities of water uses.
Country – France Objective Characterization of climate change and water resources, impacts for the integrated water resources management and vulnerability of water uses. Step #1 Historical and future trend analysis of climate and water resources at the sub-basin scale Step #2 Hydroclimatic risk assessment by sub-basin Step #3 Constitution of a departmental database of climate […]
Evolution of climate extremes in the Fresquel watershed (Aude)
Country – France Objective Identify the most vulnerable areas of the Fresquel basin to climate change. This study should provide decision-makers with key and quantitative information so that they can make an informed decision on ways to adapt to climate change. Step #1 Production of territorialized indicators representative of climate change by 2050 according to […]